Gestern Mittag ereignete sich am Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica ein phreatischer Vulkanausbruch. Die durch Wasserdampf hervorgerufene Explosion schleuderte anstehendes Gestein in einer Dampfwolke mehrere 100 Meter hoch. Frische Lava wurde nicht gefördert.
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Ich weiß gar nicht ob das hier mit der Facebook Verlinkung funktioniert, aber ich habe dies Bild von heute morgen gefunden vom Turrialba Vulkan:!/photo.php?fbid=297564790321846&set=a.201642823247377.51861.126533590758301&type=1&theater
Apr 14 12:00 (17:00 GMT) The exhalation train that started at 00:45 h (local time) continued until 4:40 this morning (see image 1), after which the activity diminished slowly, although previous levels have not been reached yet. at 6:03 the last incandescent fragments were emmited (see image 2), and from then onwards a thick column of water vapor, gases and small amounts of ash has been maintained, reaching a height of approximately two kilometers before being moved by the prevailing winds towards the southwest (see image 3). Reports of moderate ashfalls have been received from several towns on the eastern sector of the volcano, including the city of Puebla. (quelle CENAPRED)
sry..vergessen dazuzuschreiben dass es der popocatepetl ist ;-)